mezzo cucchiaino di cumino
mezzo cucchiaino di peperoncino rosso finemente tritato
mezzo cucchiaino di cannella
mischiare insieme questi tre ingredienti in una ciotolina e tenetela vicino ai fornelli.
440 gr di noci sgusciate
52 gr di burro non salato
6 cucchiai di zucchero di canna
1 cucchiaio di acqua
1 cucchiaino di sale
Preparare tutto all'inizio e tenere tutto vicino ai fornelli.
Si comincia con lo stendere un foglio di carta oleata o alluminio su una teglia e mettere da parte.
In una padella larga mettere le noci e a fuoco medio-alto mescolarle spesso fino a che non cominciano a tostarsi, circa 4 minuti.
Aggiungere il burro e mescolare fino a che le noci non si scuriscono, 1 minuto. Aggiungere le spezie, lo zucchero, l'acqua e il sale. Continuare a mescolare fino a che le noci non sono glassate per bene, ci vorrano circa 5 minuti.
Trasferire le noci sulla carta oleata e separarle per bene con un cucciaio. Lasciar freddare per circa 10 minuti e poi...MANGIA MANGIA!
A me piacciono ancora di piu' quando sono fredde, ma attenti davvero perche' creano dipendenza...infatti vado a prepararne un altro po'!
Ann's Walnuts
This recipe is divine: simple, fast and very delicious. I warn you though: these walnuts are addictive! These walnuts come from California (obviously). Jim and Ann have three majestic and old walnut trees in their garden and every year for Christmas they send us a big bag of walnuts ready to be eaten. Last Christmas Ann prepared them following this recipe and I fell in love with them.
This is the story of Ann's walnuts, the Ponzio's wine and the lamb: in California, the cultivation of the walnut trees is huge. The owners of the walnuts bring them to specialized centers where there is an automatic "walnut shell remover". Everybody has huge amounts of walnuts and Ann had some difficulties in founding somebody who wanted to process her walnuts...just "few thousands"! After searching, she found somebody who processed her "few" walnuts and, as a thank you, she gave him a bottle of the famous Ponzio's wine. Not far from there, there was another guy who proposed an exchange: "A bottle of your Ponzio's wine for a leg of my lamb. If we like it we can exchange a box of your wine for the whole lamb". Deal! With the comment "serviceable", the Ponzio's wine was traded for a lamb...just "few" walnuts go a long way!
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamom
Mix them in a small bowl and keep it next to the stove.
4 cups of walnuts
4 tablespoons of unsalted butter
6 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon of salt
Keep everything next to the stove. First line a baking sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper, and set aside.
In a large skillet place the nuts and cook them over medium high, stirring frequently, until they begin to toast, about 4 minutes.
Add the butter and cook, stirring, until the walnuts begin to darken, about 1 minute. Add the spices, the sugar, water and the salt, and cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens and the nuts are glazed, about 5 minutes. Transfer the nuts to the baking sheet, separating them with a spoon. Let them cool for 10 minutes and then...MANGIA MANGIA!
This is the story of Ann's walnuts, the Ponzio's wine and the lamb: in California, the cultivation of the walnut trees is huge. The owners of the walnuts bring them to specialized centers where there is an automatic "walnut shell remover". Everybody has huge amounts of walnuts and Ann had some difficulties in founding somebody who wanted to process her walnuts...just "few thousands"! After searching, she found somebody who processed her "few" walnuts and, as a thank you, she gave him a bottle of the famous Ponzio's wine. Not far from there, there was another guy who proposed an exchange: "A bottle of your Ponzio's wine for a leg of my lamb. If we like it we can exchange a box of your wine for the whole lamb". Deal! With the comment "serviceable", the Ponzio's wine was traded for a lamb...just "few" walnuts go a long way!
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamom
Mix them in a small bowl and keep it next to the stove.
4 cups of walnuts
4 tablespoons of unsalted butter
6 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon of salt
Keep everything next to the stove. First line a baking sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper, and set aside.
In a large skillet place the nuts and cook them over medium high, stirring frequently, until they begin to toast, about 4 minutes.
Add the butter and cook, stirring, until the walnuts begin to darken, about 1 minute. Add the spices, the sugar, water and the salt, and cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens and the nuts are glazed, about 5 minutes. Transfer the nuts to the baking sheet, separating them with a spoon. Let them cool for 10 minutes and then...MANGIA MANGIA!
Non chiedermi come sono capitata qui, perché non saprei dirtelo... diciamo che ti ho trovata. E un blog che ha persino una ricetta per farsi la lonza in casa, come potrei perdermelo? Perciò mi iscrivo tra i tuoi sostenitori, ti dò il benvenuto in questo mondo di pazzi per i fornelli e mi godo la lettura delle tue ricette. E poi capirò quanto sei italiana e quanto americana...
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Grazie mille Sabrine! Sei la prima che mi lascia un commento sul mio nuovo blog e non sai quanto mi fa piacere. Sei anche la prima follower ufficiale del mio blog (marito e amici non contano!). Ho appena cominciato a scrivere il mio blog e ancora non ho molta dimestichezza con il sito, ma piano piano ce la faro'. Ora che ho il tuo blog tra i miei preferiti sara' facile seguirci a vicenda.
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